Preliminary Program

Detailed agenda coming soon!

Plenary Lectures

ASA Emil Steinberger Lecture / Keynote Address

  • “Benefits and Risks of Testosterone Treatment of Hypogonadal Men”
    Peter J. Snyder, USA

ASA Women in Andrology Lecture

  • “Sperm Chromatin: A Blueprint of Development”
    Sue Hammoud, USA

ASA Richard D. Amelar Lecture

  • “ASA Through the Years: Challenges and Opportunities”
    Donna Vogel, USA

ASA Past President’s Lecture

  • “Functional Study of Testis-specific Genes In Vivo and In Vitro Through Genome Editing Approach”
    Masahito Ikawa, Japan

ASA International Lecture

  • “The Genetics of Testis Development, 35 Years on from SRY”
    Andrew Sinclair, Australia

ASA Diversity Lecture

  • “Title to be confirmed”
    Carolina Jorgez, USA

Plenary Lecture 1

  • “Unlocking the Secrets of PDE5: Analyzing Two Decades of Clinical Trials with Inhibitors and New Insights from the Knock-Out Model”
    Andrea Isidori, Italy

Plenary Lecture 2

  • “Environmental Factors in Adverse Trends in Male Reproductive Health”
    Anna-Maria Andersson, Denmark

Plenary Lecture 3

  • “Genetics of Male Infertility: The 21st century”
    Frank Tüttelmann, Germany

Plenary Lecture 4

  • “Polygenic Risk Score in Testis Cancer: Are We Ready for Its Clinical Use?”
    Katherine L. Nathanson, USA

Plenary Lecture 5

  • “Pharmacological and Cell Therapy Approaches to Address Testosterone Deficiency”
    Vassilios Papadopoulos, USA

Plenary Lecture 6

  • “Building Bridges Between Wild Animal Species and Humans in Male Fertility Preservation”
    Pierre Comizzoli, USA


Symposium 1 – Changes in Spermatozoa During Their Post-testicular Journey

  • “Cilia as Key Regulators of Male Reproductive Functions and Fertility”
    Clémence Belleannée, Canada
  • “Dynamic Changes in the Sperm Flagellum During Fertilization”
    Mariano G. Buffone, Argentina

 Symposium 2 – Paternal Impact on Offspring Health

  • “The Sperm Methylome and its Potential Impact on the Offspring”
    Timothy Jenkins, USA

 Symposium 3 – Genetics of Male Infertility: Going Beyond Etiology Diagnosis

  • “TESE Prediction Based on Genetic Tests: How Far Are We?”
    Antoni Riera Escamilla, USA
  • “Mutation Load in Infertile Men: A Putative Relationship Between Reproductive and Somatic Health”
    Ki Aston, USA

Symposium 4 – Male Sex Differentiation and DSD: From Basic Science to Clinical Practice

Symposium 5 – ASA / NYRA-Trainee Directed Symposium

  • “Male Reproductive Toxicity: Effects of Environmental Pollutants and the Role of Intestinal Microbiota”
    Juliana Perobelli, Brazil
  • “A Geographical Approach to Study the Impact of Environmental Factors on Semen Quality”
    Rita Rahban, Switzerland

Symposium 6 – Standardization Protocols in Andrology: Imaging and Androgen Measurements

  • “Male Genital Tract Ultrasound Reference Ranges: Lessons from the EAA Multicenter Study”
    Francesco Lotti, Italy
  • Measurement, Reporting and Interpretation of Serum Testosterone in Men: Room for Improvement
    Dirk Vanderschueren, Belgium

Symposium 7 – In vitro Spermatogenesis & Fertility Preservation

  • Application Potential of Spermatogonial Transplantation
    Makoto Nagano, Canada
  • “Fertility Preservation from Birth to Adulthood”
    Rod Mitchell, UK

Symposium 8 – Sexual Medicine and Surgical Andrology: Advances in Clinical Practice

Symposium 9 – Best Abstracts

Symposium 10 – Basic and Clinical Aspects of Leydig Cell Biology Across the Lifespan

  • “One Cell at a Time: Unlocking Fetal Testis Steroidogenesis”
    Joan Jorgensen, USA
  • Usefulness of Leydig Cell Biomarkers in the Clinic
    Jorma Toppari, Finland

Symposium 11 – Andrological Cancers Throughout the Lifetime: From Etiology to Pathogenesis

  • “Germ Cell Cancer of the Testis: One Cell Type, Different Mechanisms”
    Ewa Rajpert-De Meyts, Denmark
  • “Sex-steroid Hormones are Key Modulators of Prostate Cancer Cell Metabolism”
    Etienne Audet-Walsh, Canada

Symposium 12 – Clinical Trials in Male Infertility and Contraception: The Two Sides of the Coin

  • “FSH Treatment in Idiopathic Infertility – Evidence Enough?”
    Hermann Behre, Germany
  • “Title to be confirmed”
    Stephanie Page, USA

Symposium 13 – Immunology of the Testis and Its Response to External Threats

  • “Infection of the Human Testis by Emerging Viruses: Innate Immune Responses, Viral Persistence and Impact on Male Reproductive Function”
    Nathalie Dejucq-Rainsford, France
  • “Recent Developments on Immune Populations in the Testis”
    Sudhanshu Bhushan, Germany